Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Being Faithful

I got a text this weekend from a fellow 7 friend asking me how I was doing. I didn't text back for days because I was not quite sure what to tell her. When I did respond it was via email and a muttering of what I was thinking. I feel stuck in 7. Like I'm not sure how or where to move forward.

You see, I tend to be a little legalistic. Only, I never knew it, not until a few years ago. I tend to focus on doing rather than being. I tend to want to do things for God rather than be at His feet. And if I am not careful, I will do 7 until it becomes a heavy burden in my life. It will become a code (I tell ya I would have made a great Pharisee, if only they allowed women). And ya'll I just cannot go back to living that way.

I must walk in freedom (yet recognizing how expensive God's grace is). As I have read 7, I keep wondering, how does this apply to me? God what do you want me to get out of all of all of this? What is the long term goal? How am I to be transformed by this?

As I have said about a million times, Kingdom focus is the biggest thing I am learning. His kingdom, not mine. And I am still struggling with it. Yet the Lord continues to remind me of His kingdom. How am I building His kingdom? A small thing He is calling me to do is start a Girl's Bible Study in my home. It actually starts this week. I have been working tonight to finish up my lesson. I am going to be teaching the girls who come, how to study the Bible.

I am super excited for this opportunity. I am praying that God will move in the hearts of the girls that come. I hope you will join me in that prayer. I have spent much of today in prayer over this and other things. In the midst of that I know the enemy has tried to distract and discourage me. Please lift me up. Please lift up the girls who come this week. Ask God that their hearts would be tender toward Him and His Word. Pray that I would be faithful to speak His Words more than my own.