Friday, December 6, 2013

Big Give: God's Whispers

I just want to thank you for the love and support you have shown me as I step out in faith on this new adventure. I am truly overwhelmed by the sweet encouragement the Lord has given me through each of you! I am particularly blessed by my precious husband who has prayed for me, cheered me on, and even promoted my not quite existing business.

I am still struggling with feeling inadequate. In fact, just the other evening I had a freak out moment where I wanted to shout from the windows of my apartment. I GIVE UP! I CANNOT DO THIS! And in that moment of feeling unworthy I was reminded of our Sunday School lesson from last Sunday. A lesson I thought was for everyone else but me. We  walked through Ezekiel 17 and talked about the trouble God was allowing to happen to the children of Israel because of their sin. And we  talked about trouble in general and how do we respond to trouble. Do we allow panic to set in or do we seek God in prayer and in His Word. And I realized as I sat in my apartment freaking out that I was allowing panic to set it. I was allowing the lies of the enemy to reign and rule in my head. And I wasn’t seeking the Lord AT ALL. So there in my panic, I stopped and began to pray, asking the Lord to help me, to show me what to do, to direct my next move.

As I sit here and write this I am reminded of a little nugget of truth that God opened my eyes to this week. In Luke 1, we find Mary and Elizabeth. They have both been told children will be born to them. Each of them will experience what is truly a miracle. When Mary goes to visit Elizabeth, Elizabeth says to her in 1:45 “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.” I have read these verses many times, but this week this verse popped out to me. I have never really noticed it before. Here is Mary who must be beyond stunned by what the Lord has said He will do, and Elizabeth acknowledges that Mary believed what God said would be fulfilled. And as I read these verses the Lord whispered in my ear and said, Ashlee do you believe there will be a fulfillment of what I have spoken to you? Do you believe or are you resting in doubt and unbelief. Ashlee, do you really believe I can do anything or do you simply not trust me.

Please hear me, I know this verse in Luke 1 is not about me. But God used it to whisper His truth in my ear and remind me He is faithful. It is in His character to act. And I know, I keep saying this, yet I continue to not trust in God’s faithfulness. In His sweet mercy He has not shot a lightning bolt out of heaven and taken me out. Instead He continues to wrap His arms around me and whisper His Truth into my ear. And I am so grateful and blessed beyond measure that He would extend His grace and mercy to me. 

Thank you for continuing this journey with me. I am so beyond blessed by you! What is a post without some pictures? I want to leave you today with some pictures of my Christmas decor. I wanted to show you how I used some of my Big Give prints in my own home.

Here is my Adore Him print. I took it to Staples and had it printed on card stock. Then I put it in an existing frame.

Next is a faux canvas I made with my O Holy Night print. I enlarged it and had it printed as an 18" x 24" engineer print at Staples. Then I adhered it to a 16" x 20" canvas with spray glue. The print was large enough that it could be wrapped around the edges of the canvas. I love how it turned out!

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