Friday, March 20, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things: Bloggers I Love

I’m sharing with you today a few of my favorites ladies who love Jesus and write about it. Each of their testimonies encourage me and spur me on.  What I love so much about each of them, is they always give it to you straight. There is no fluff. They help you see they are people who struggle with sin.  They share their individual battles, while striving to come full circle in every situation.  These writers remind, encourage, and refocus our minds on the goodness of Jesus, that He alone is perfect, and all our hope must be found in Him.

Grace Covers Me
Photos provided by Christine Hoover
Christine and her husband Kyle are native Texans church planting in Virginia. Christine has authored two books: The Church Planting Wife and From Good to Grace: Letting Go of the Goodness Gospel. As I read Christine's blog I often wonder how she understands me so well. I sit at my computer and wonder "How does she know that about me???" As a ministry wife I have so many questions, concerns, and fears. Christine addresses so many of those things and more. Her posts encourage and give me perspective in ministry while reminding me I am covered in God's Grace. Find Christine at Grace Covers Me.

Mundane Faithfulness
Kara Tippetts of Mundane Faithfulness is battling metastatic breast cancer. She is the author of The Hardest Places and Big Love. When I read Kara’s blog (written by Kara, friends, and family members) I remember that God is so much bigger than I think. The story He is writing has His sovereignty woven throughout and He is faithful to take care of us as we walk through the hardest times. Kara's story is powerful and raw. Kara's fight is hard and sometimes it doesn't make sense to our earthly selves. She shares her honesty while clinging to Jesus in the most beautiful way. Kara leaves a legacy of fierce faith flowing with love, kindness, and gentleness that can only come from walking intimately with Jesus. Read Kara’s story on Mundane Faithfulness.

Ruth Simons is an artist (see her shoppe) and mother of six man cubs living in my home state of New Mexico. Ruth writes about her continual struggle to give herself grace. And let’s just say I really relate to that. My struggle with perfectionism often leads me to give myself a harder time about everything. I know I am harder on myself than anyone else could ever be and that us why I love the way Ruth laces grace through every post.  Join Ruth at GraceLaced.

What blogs do you read that encourage you with your walk with Jesus? 

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