Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What I Love About Spring

Spring is one of my favorite seasons! Fall comes in at a close second. There are so many things about Spring that makes me love it so!

I love the mild weather of Spring. I love weather where I could wear a sweatshirt in the morning, but by afternoon it is warm enough for a tank top. Maybe it comes from growing up in New Mexico, I'm not sure. All I know is that when I walk out into the warm weather it creates an energy and happiness I don't feel in other seasons.

I love how Spring wakes up God's creation. It is like everything has been sleeping all winter as it was trying to get away from that icky coldness, but now it can come out and show its true colors. Flowers bloom, the grass turns green, the birds chirp. Ugh! I love it! There is no better feeling than when I walk out my door and can even smell Spring! Yes, I said smell!

Flowers...I love spring flowers. I love tulips, daffodils, lilacs, hydrangea, and bluebonnets. I am especially obsessed with lilacs and bluebonnets. The last few days I have been scanning the highway as I drive home, just hoping for one glimpse of a Texas bluebonnet. I seriously could get in a wreck the way I have been driving. And happened. I was driving home, talking to my boyfriend on the phone, I gasped a huge gasp. He probably thought I was dying or something, no I saw the first bluebonnets! When I told him this, he just laughed. But for real, I was so excited! Lilacs remind me of home. Lilacs make me think of comfort. The house I grew up in had lilacs on every corner, purple and white. Oh it is the best Spring smell ever!

Colors...I love the colors that we see in Spring. I love the pinks, blues, greens, and yellows. I love how clothes become vibrant, ugh I am so tired of wearing gray and black! Oooh and white pants, I love the look of white pants. I know that's weird and I know I can wear them in any season, but they just look so much more appropriate in Spring!

Photography...All winter long I have been trapped inside unable to really do what I love to do...take pictures. Spring time means getting outside and capturing God's amazing creation. I love it! I cannot wait to get out into this fabulous weather and start shooting!

I hope you are enjoying Spring as much as I am...It officially starts this week! Pictures of this amazing season to come!

1 comment:

  1. I love Spring and Fall. In the Fall I say fall is my favorite, then spring comes and I think Spring is my favorite, oh well. God is good.

    And the answer to your question is yes I have. I bought the cart before the horse (is that how you say it?) I'm taking a photoshop class, once a week, the only problem is on a pc and I have a mac. Next week I'm taking my mac and there is a lady that will help me transalate things from a pc to a mac (it shoud not be too complicated). I also bought some "actions" and my two sons got me to give them the extra copies. (I should of asked them to help me with the expense LOL).
