Monday, April 13, 2009

The Cross

Last Friday was our cross service at church. Our Pastor does something I have never seen before. He teaches the story of Jesus on the cross while he himself is chopping and putting together a life size cross. He always says he wants to see the cross, feel the cross, and smell the cross.

As I watched him preach a message that I had heard before God spoke to me in a new and amazing way. I don't know about you, but sometimes God just speaks straight to my heart. It is like I can audibly hear his voice in my heart. It is so clear that you just can't miss it. As my pastor was speaking about the cross it was like God carefully and lovingly said to me, "Ashlee that is where we started. The cross is where our relationship began. This is where my son gave up his life we could have the relationship that we have." Then He took it even further. He plainly spoke to me about where He has brought me. He reminded me of the pain I have walked through. He reminded me of my brokenness. When I say broken, I mean utter desperation before God, can't pick yourself up in the morning and get out of bed without God kind of brokenness. Then God sweetly showed me all that He has given me. He has replaced the pain with amazing blessings beyond my imagination. He reminded me of my church home, my job, my ministry within the church where I get to do what I love teach and love on students. He also reminded me that one of those blessings was sitting right next to me (that would be my boyfriend Greg). He showed me how He has led me so closely the past 4 years. He showed me how He walked before me in the battle that has been my life. He showed me the victories that He has won on my behalf. I was humbled before God in this moment and at the same time all I could do was give Him the glory He deserved. I cried and sang at the same time.

This year the cross became something new. Yes, it was the place that my Lord and Savior gave up his life for me, but even more it was the place that enabled me to have the relationship that I have with God the Father. It is where God and I met for the first time and since then He has walked by me through the trials and the joys. He continues to be more than faithful.

All honor and glory be unto You Oh God! You deserve more honor and glory than I am able to give! Thank You for the cross!

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