Sunday, May 31, 2009

Administrative Professionals Day

Yes I am quite aware that I am talking about Administrative Professionals Day quite late. Well, that is because in our office we celebreated it late....oh but was it worth the wait!

Ladies and Gents...please take notes. The way our office celebrated Administrative Professionals Day was with lunch and a paid afternoon off!!!!

Some people may frown on that, but if you want a group of very happy and feeling loved people, treat them to the Cheesecake Factory and then let them play all afternoon.

Here are a few pics. Below is Jen and I, this was her last day with us. Little did we know, a week later Baby Miles Dean would make his debut into the world! How exciting!

This is Cara and I with our Cheesecake....yum!

Here is the entire group!! Yeah those are some really happy and feeling loved people you are seeing in the pic below!

Cara and I got such a kick out of Jen's napkin on her cute pregnant belly! She was so adorable!

Here is a close-up of the amaziness!

Thank you for treating us, you have no idea how blessed we felt! You have no idea how appreciated we felt!

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