Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby Dean

Jennifer one of the sweetest girls in my office is having a baby. Baby Dean is due in May. Last Saturday our office ladies gave Jennifer a shower. Below are some pictures.

Before you get that far let me share with you what God showed me last Saturday. As I was doing what I love to do (be the person behind the camera) the Lord really spoke to me! He let me step back and watch the ladies I work with everyday and this is what He whispered in my ear "Ashlee, do you see where I have brought you? Do you see the blessings I have given you?". I was completely overwhelmed, especially as I watched and listened to these precious ladies pray over Jen. God has been so good to me!

Jen, don't forget to call me for Baby Dean's first pictures!

This is Stephanie and Baby Jack

This is Jen with her mom and her hubby's mom!

Chugging punch in baby bottles...

Feeding baby food to Emily blindfolded! It was too funny!

Jen with the wonderful hostesses!

Praying over Jen and Baby Dean.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Looks like your office ladies know how to have fun. Isn't God good?
