Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ash's Shower

This last weekend, all the roommates got together. Let me clarify, when I say "the roommates" I mean my college roommates. It includes, three Ashlee(y)s and a Kristen. We joined forces once more this weekend to throw a shower for one of the Ashley's.

Before I share the pics, let me state, the Ashley we were celebrating was my roommate all four years of college. When we first met we couldn't have been more different. We definitely rubbed off on each other after four years. I was the maid of honor in her wedding. It was such a pleasure to get to share this time with her. It was especially sweet since I am losing her to her home state. I am so excited for her and so proud of her. It is amazing to watch how God has grown her into a great woman who will be a wonderful mother.

Elisha: His daddy tells me his name means God is my salvation. Leave it to Michael to pick a name with a strong Hebrew meaning. That man loves languages more than any other I have ever known!
Here is the cake. I was so pleased! It matches her bedding.
Here is the Momma to be. Doesn't she look amazing???
Work it!
Michael with his Spanish version of the hungry dinosaur...
All the roommates: Kristen, Ashley, Ashley, and Ashlee

All the shower hostesses
Ash and Mama Shirley

Measuring her belly, sorry Beck,

Keri won, she did so good!
Cindy, please note that Cindy just had a baby a week and a half ago. Um yeah she looks AMAZING!
What every baby needs: and OU onesie....BOOMER
Everyone at the shower.
This is all the tissue paper from the gifts!!Good roommates fold the tissue paper so you can keep it!

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