Saturday, July 11, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover Judy Style

Well, a week has passed and I haven't posted this yet. I am sorry I have been at camp with the students from our church. Let me tell you about the pics below. Judy works at my office. She is pretty wonderful. She just moved into an apartment by herself. The girls and I at the office thought it would be fun to do our own version of Extreme Home Makeover. Here is what we did. We secretly talked behind Judy's back (the good kind where we were planning). We all got together last Saturday and brought all of the things we had brought from home. Gayla came armed with her sewing machine. We kicked Judy out for the day while we did our thing. When we were finished we call her and told her to come on home. It was a wonderful day of serving the Lord and loving on our friend.
The below pics show what we did!

Here is the before:
This might look like madness to you...but to us it was full of the treasures we used to decorate Judy's apartment.
Drum roll please......... The After!
Here she comes! Check it out!
Here is our crew (minus Julie).
We had so much fun helping Judy with her apartment. We love her so much and were overjoyed to help her make her apartment a home!


  1. That is such a sweet act you ladies did for Judy. She'll never forget it. "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
    Proverbs 18:24 New International Version

  2. You guys did a fantastic job! Everything looks great! I bet she loved it!

  3. This has to be one of the sweetest things!! You guys did a great job! Judy is the best...I just love her!

  4. wow!! Wanna come do my house?? :-)
