Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dear Oklahoma,

You are not my home. But today you are in my heart. We spent four years together and you are engrained in my heart.

I was not there when the tornado devastated you. I was in a car glued to Facebook, trying to understand what was happening. I was struggling to know if my friends were okay. I watched as people reported in saying they were safe and as others searched for loved ones that were lost. I prayed for you with a broken heart.
Photo Credit: Jonathan Decker
I glued myself to the tv as soon as I could. My heart was again broken when I saw the reality of the destruction. When I saw the utter depair and brokeness. I could not believe that it was really true. Again, I sought the Lord on your behalf.

I have watched in awe as the heart of Oklahoma (her people) has risen to the top. They have gone home to help their loved ones. They are showing up to, donate items, help serve food, clean up, and be a shoulder to cry on. They are providing needs I had not even considered. Their stories are not making the news, but I see it all over my Facebook feed. I am overwhelmed as I watch you love on eachother.

Photo Credit: Jonathan Decker
I know that right now you feel broken. You feel lost. You are overwhelmed by the task before you and feel like you are without hope. In the midst of great tragedy, I pray that above all the Hope of the Gospel would be propelled into the darkness, into the sadness, into the broken lives of people who have no hope.
Photo Credit: Jonathan Decker
I urge you to seek the One who is bigger and greater than the tornado that devastated you. I ask you to consider not where God is, but what He might have for you in the midst of the devastation. I assure you, He is there. He was not taken away when that tornado swept through.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. He is still God. He is still Holy. He is still Mighty. He is still worthy of praise. He is still a present help in the midst of trouble and able to be your refuge and strength.

I know there are many hard days ahead of you. I pray that above all you will seek the God of heaven. God the Father who sent Jesus Christ to be a ransom for sin. He is the only way to be at peace in the midst of the brokeness. He is the only way you will find hope in the hopelessness.

Three of the photos above are of the devastation of Moore, Oklahoma.  All credit goes to Jonathan Decker who was on site the day after the tornado. Join me as we pray for the people of Moore and those who are rising up to respond to the needs of those without hope.

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