Saturday, July 20, 2013

Camp Recap

I promised you a camp recap, and here it is! For those who have never attended summer camp, you need to know that camp is a different world. People often do things they wouldn't do in normal life. You know things like doing weird chants, weird dances, and dressing in ridiculous ways. This is your warning, some of the pictures below might disturb you (Especially those of my husband dressed in fuchsia).

Our camp theme of Light it Up, was from Matt 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." 

Here is a brief rundown of how we do camp: All together we had 2,500 at camp with our church as the hosts. Each grade represents a different color (purple, red, blue, orange, yellow, green, & FUCHSIA). Every morning we dressed in our color, went to teaching time with our grade, then we went to wild and crazy rec, in the afternoon we were free to do organized sports or do whatever else we wanted, every evening we had worship & teaching time all together (Jon Kitna was our speaker), then we went to late night snack shack, and finished up the evening with our church time and small groups.

This was the last camp for my small group girls. I felt impressed to spend as much time as I could with them. The last 6 years I have had the privilege to walk through life with these girls. The Lord has used them to teach me so much! It was a blessing to spend one last week of camp with them.

Meet my girls (minus one, who was serving at camp check in).  This picture was taken on the first day of camp.

Meet Fuchsia school. My husband was the fearless leader of Fuchsia school this summer. It totally blessed me to watch him lead almost 100 kids each morning in the Word and then in the craziness you see below:

At camp, it is totally normal for guys to wear nail polish:

Meet Flora the Flamingo & Ellie the Elephant. Flora became our cabin mascot. Every day she went on a journey during cabin cleanup. This day Flora & Ellie were playing our favorite card game Skip-Bo.

It is also perfectly normal to wear tutu's at camp. In fact it is a camp necessity. This is one of my favorite pictures from camp!

Tutu's, bumblebees, yep we go all out (I warned you remember?) This is Derek, he is one of our college students. We convinced him he needed to be a bumblebee at camp!

On tutu day, it was decided that Greg needed his hair did. Here he is with his hair stylists.

Here is the finished product. Notice his pink hair bands?

Here I am with my man. I honestly love how he was willing to go all out. I must say, he totally dressed himself. He even picked out his pink tights. He was quite concerned about getting a run in them.

 On our last full day Flora & Ellie with zip lining. It was quite the adventure. In fact my girls won cabin cleanup that day and we all received free pizza & a drink at snack shack that evening.

Here is Eric (leader of our rec staff) & his golf cart. Jon Kitna and Eric had some healthy banter back and forth all week. Kitna brought his baseball team with him to camp. They might have been responsible for this incident. (We do not affirm camp pranks, you should never do a prank at camp, however I couldn't pass up a picture here)

Worship all week was led by Jimmy McNeal and his band. Jimmy leads worship at the Austin Stone. he is a man of great humility and love for students. He also has an incredible love for the Word, it is evident in the way he leads worship.

And here I am with my girls on the last day. I cannot believe this is our last camp group photo. I love these girls beyond measure and am praying that they will continue to follow Jesus as they walk into the next phase of their life.

And here are my girls with Jon Kitna. As we walked up to get out picture one of my girls asked "Who is going to touch him?" We all died laughing, he happened to see our giggles and asked us what we were laughing about. This ensued a quiet and awkward picture with Jon Kitna.

This is me with Marissa & Joe. They are both in our college ministry and spent all week as cabin leaders. I am so excited about how much they love the Word and want to in turn lead their students in the Word.

Joe & Greg, brothers in Christ, lovers of the Word, men of integrity. I am grateful for the way Joe encourages Greg and he leads our college ministry.

Hmmm..last day, the rest of us are wearing our camp shirts...Derek....where is yours??

These two men watched Greg grow up into the leader he is today. I am blessed by the encouragement and affirmation they instilled in my husband at camp!

Me and my Lovie. Worn out, but so grateful for the week God gave us to love on college students.

I just wanted you to know that as soon as we returned, the nail polish was removed. Don't worry, this isn't a normal thing he does.

And there it is friends, my camp recap. We watched God do some awesome things! We watched him grow our love for college students, grow our students in their love for the Word, and were able to encourage them and speak truth into them as they heard from God.

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