Monday, September 23, 2013

Boot Camp

This month I am highlighting Precept Ministries International. Precept exists to establish people in God's Word. They participate ministries all over the world. I am most familiar with their student ministry Transform. I began as a student 15 years ago and continue to partner with Transform today.

So what is Boot Camp?
Boot Camp is Transform's summer camp for students. Each summer students fly in from around the world and spend 8 days intensely learning how to study the Bible using the Inductive Study Method.
A Day in the Life
Boot Camp begins each foggy Chattanooga morning with prayer and breakfast. Every morning and afternoon students spend several hours in intense study of the Word of God. Students learn how to study the Bible for themselves by actually studying the Bible. There is individual study, class study and group discussion each day. Every afternoon students enjoy sports time and free time. Each evening is filled with team discussion and fun along with worship and teaching.

Why should I be interested in this Boot Camp thing?
Well...because it is awesome! Boot Camp is where I first met people my age who not only cared about God's Word, but they actually lived it out. I had never in my life met people who were my age that were serious about their faith.
The time in the Word is like none other. I never really experienced studying the Word for myself until I went to Boot Camp. I knew I should have a quiet time, but I really had no clue what that would look like. Boot Camp grew in me a love of the Word. Boot Camp helped me realize the vast importance of God's Word in my life, not just to know it, but to live it out. Boot Camp gave me the tools to take home and continue studying the Word for yourself.

You leave renewed and refreshed. No, I am not talking about the typical camp high. This is something completely different. Because of the time you have spent in God's Word you are renewed and refreshed when you leave Boot Camp.

Lifelong friendships are made at Boot Camp. I have told you about my friend Whitney before and the huge influence she made on my life. Whitney is just an example of some of the friendships I know that first began at Boot Camp! Each Boot Camp I went to I met new people and made new friends. Those friendships continued throughout the year. I finally had friends who would pray for me, encourage me in my walk, and hold me accountable to the things God had showed me at camp.
You leave changed. Every time I left Boot Camp, I left changed. Not by people or because someone told me to, but because I had encountered God's Word for myself and it changed me.

Some of my Favorite Boot Camp Memories
The Summer Talent Show
It never failed to be hilarious. Each year we had a different theme. My favorite is still my first year when it was the Oscars. I remember hearing my counselors up late each night giggling and spraying something. I didn't know until later they were chopping off Barbie's hair and spray painting her gold to make her look like an Oscar.
The Obstacle Course
Each year it has a different name, but it always has the same idea. Each team competes against the other teams. There is always a fun prize for the winner. My least favorite obstacle course memory: it has to go to the year I had to put on clothes that were soaked Italian dressing and some other gagging concoction that I am pretty sure Jessi Lawson created. My favorite obstacle course memory was the year I served as an intern and we had the hill. At the last minute I got asked to help on the hill (tarp going up a hill soaked with water and soap). It was awesome!
Team Time
Each night of Boot Camp we hang out in our team. Each Boot Camper is assigned to a team. You play sports as a team each afternoon and have team discussion each evening. Team time is where you really get to share what God is showing you. Team time is also where I learned how to play important games like mafia, I've never, and 2 Truths and a Lie.

How Do I Get There?
Boot Camp runs two sessions each summer. To attend Boot Camp you must submit an application. Yep, that's right, an application. Next summer's applications will be posted here. They aren't up yet, so keep checking back and then submit your application!!

I cannot say enough good things about Boot Camp! I am so grateful to my parents for sending me to camp each summer. I know that was a sacrifice for you. Thank you! To my Precept family, I just want you to know how grateful I am for each of you! You can lived out the Gospel in front of me and taught me so many lessons. I am blessed to continue to do ministry with you!!

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