Monday, February 16, 2015

Let's Meet with God

Francis Chan paced the stage at Passion 2015 in typical Francis style. He spoke of spending time with the Lord.  He shared about Moses going into the tent of the meeting in Exodus 33. The people would come out of their tent and watch Moses go to the tent of the meeting where Moses went to meet with God face to face like a man speaks to his friend (Ex 33:11). Francis talked about how rare and unusual it was for any man to meet with God, let alone in such a personal way.

What an awesome and precious thing. Not just anyone met with God. Yet, I have the opportunity to meet with God every day. Do I truly meet with Him?

Sure I sit down with my laptop to read my devotion. I finish reading but instead of talking to God, I get on Facebook to get my daily dose of communicating with people (without having to communicate with them). What is wrong with me??? When did anything become more important than meeting with God? When did my time with HIM become a box to check.

As Francis spoke, two gentlemen brought a camping tent onto the stage. Francis shared his heart for this generation to delight in spending time in the tent. To realize what a precious thing it is to meet with God. Seriously?! He is the God of the Universe! WHY would I not meet with Him?? Why would I not run to the tent every day.

I don’t have a good answer for you. It’s shameful I know.

I KNOW how to get in the Word. I KNOW how to pray to Him. But I allow OTHER THINGS to take up my life.

My life hasn’t always been this way. There have been seasons where I clung to Him with everything. I needed Him moment by moment. A season of sweetness hungering to be in the presence of Jesus.

As Francis spoke I felt God stir and flutter something in my heart. Something that was more than just a box to check. He gave me a desire to run to the tent and meet with Him. To speak with Him and delight in His presence. To once again have that sweet communion with the Father.

So let us draw near to the throne of God. Let us run to the tent of meeting with delight and expectation. Lord grow a great prompting in our hearts to meet with you.
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