Friday, February 13, 2009

Confessions of a Newbie Event Planner

This past week I got the pleasure of taking work on the road. My work was hosting a retreat in the Hill Country of Texas, specifically Horseshoe Bay Resort. Um yeah it was AMAZING! So here are my confessions about the week.

1. I ate way too much. Not only that, I ate amazing catered food that add up to millions of calories.
2. I may have gained 5 lbs this week.
3. I was in awe of the amazing beauty of the resort. I kept taking pictures of everything, even the decor.
4. I've never stayed in a hotel where they take you bags up to the room for you.
5. I need some cute hang out clothes to wear around the hotel at night, because I ran into some people in my not so nice sweat pants....OOOOOPPPS!
6. I really enjoyed hanging out with the wives on the trip. They were such a blast.
7. I forgot how awesome the hill country was and how much I love being there.
8. Every afternoon I just wanted to take a nap.
9. I love my job.
10. I learned how to make the most amazing chicken enchiladas, but I don't know if I will ever make them because they are kinda complicated.
11. The resort has a putt putt course with real grass.

These are just a few of the memories from this week! Pictures to come later!

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