Friday, February 13, 2009

Revolution Weekend

I have been so busy this week that I haven't had time to tell you about the amazingness of last weekend.
Last weekend, 3,000 students worshipped God in my church. Last weekend I got to listen to Francis Chan reach into the hearts of my 8th grade girls. Last weekend I reached a new level of community with my girls. Last weekend the Lord just blew me away and spoke to me in new ways.

You see last weekend my church partnered with Student Life and brought in Francis Chan, Kristian Stanfield, and 3,000 students from churches all over.

Let me show you what it looked like!

I had an amazing time. I saw God speak to my girls in ways I had never seen before. I saw God begin to break through walls that I had not seen before.

What have you seen God doing recently??

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