I really have so many things to talk about right now. So many things on my mind.So many things I want to blog.
My bling bling sisters Sarah and Becky. Our motto is "Who needs boys when you have bling?" Becky is leaving the sisterhood this weekend to become a wife. Yeah we know its amazing, but we still have to kick her out. Love you Becky!
And then I want to talk to you about camp. When I refer to camp I am referring to one of two things Precept Boot Camp or Camp Bal. Sp. (abbreviated of course) Today it is the second choice. Becky is getting married there this weekend, so it has been on my mind alot. I want to tell you about camp because it holds great significance in my life. Not one of those great kinds of significance, one of those painful kinds. And to be real honest I am kinda nervous about going back. But at the same time I want everyone who is there to see where I am now. I want them to see me with joy, peace, and love in my heart and life. I want to erase the previous image of me that they have.
I am so tired. Work has been busy and I am wiped out.
Tires...I was given the chance to buy 4 new ones this week....I am so grateful I have a job where I can afford new tires. Can we please take a moment and give huge gratitude and thanks to God for that! For real! Thank you Lord.
Being comfortable in my own skin. It's hard to be in a different place than all of my close friends. To see what I want, but know I can't have it quite yet, and have peace in where God has me now.
Maria's recital. Went to it tonight and cannot wait to show you pictures, but I am too tired to edit them!
Okay, this crazy woman is going to try to get some sleep so maybe tomorrow she will be less crazy!