Now let's review:
My first item is to visit the Fort Worth Food Truck Park. I have been hearing so many awesome thing about it. I have been telling my Lovie for months that I want to go.
Next seems a little silly. But you see, contrary to my grandmother who can grow anything like Mother Nature, I have the black thumb of the family. I have tried my hand at tomatoes (which is truly my ultimate goal), I have tried the basic house plant. It never fails. They die by the work of my hands. Seriously it's gotten out of hand and I am determined to be successful. Any suggestions for this black thumb girl?
I have heard so many cool things about the Fort Worth Zoo. It was right down the street from me when I lived in Fort Worth. But I am somewhat of a tight wad, and well. I would never spend the money on myself to go.
Nothing says summer to me more than fresh produce. I have been dying to check out the Dallas Farmer's Market. I figure since I cannot grow tomatoes the Farmer's Market is the next best thing.
Former President's George W. Bush's Presidential Library is here in my area. It opened recently and I think it would be cool to check out. Now it totally doesn't hurt that my favorite dessert place Pokey O's is right around the corner from the Library. If you take a trip to Pokey's get two snicker doodle cookies with cake batter Blue Bell ice cream. Just trust me on that one.
Recently I realized I have a problem. I pin so many recipes to Pinterest and I have barely tried any of them. So this summer I want to try three new recipes.
Ohh I love a good craft. Again I have SO MANY pinned and have not completed a single one of them. This has got to stop!!!
Funny story about where JFK was killed. My husband drove around Ft. Worth one day trying to find the site, only to learn it was actually in Dallas. Ever since he first told me that story, I have wanted to see it. Again, just to experience my own city.
Milk glass. What is that you might wonder? Well just head over to my Pinterest Board and check it out. My goal for this is just to start a collection. That means I just need one piece. I love the hobnail patterns and the lattice work patterns.
My last item is well, kind of sad. When I was in Seminary I bought myself a DSL camera. I paid a pretty penny for that camera and I still don't really know how to use it. Last month I spent hours reading blogs on how to use it and trying to understand aperture and shutter speed, etc. I'm hoping some of my college girls (who have professional experience) will give me some lessons this summer. I'm thinking it's going to take a few.
Well, there it is! My Summer Bucket List. I will keep you posted on the adventures I hope to go on as I seek to complete each one.

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