This weekend I hosted Girls Night Out for our college girls. As I thought through different ideas I decided to start with Spa Night. Our girls just finished finals so I wanted to provide an opportunity for them to relax and enjoy each other.
I think this would be a great ministry event for any age group of ladies! Feel free to borrow any of my ideas!
I started planning my event by pinning several ideas on Pinterest. After much pinning and thinking I decided to have several Spa Stations: Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, & Homemade Bath Salts. Next I needed a place to have the event (since we live in a apartment). After securing a home to host us I started breaking down & planning each station. Then I enlisted some help to both set up and help me host the event.
I set up the house in stations: Pedicures in the living room, Manicures at the dining room table, facials in the bathroom, homemade bath salts at a table in the kitchen, and of course we had snacks which were also in the kitchen.
For manicures I set up a table with nail polish remover, cotton balls, small bowls to soak hands, Mary Kay Satin Hands, & Nail Polish. I started by covering the table with a vinyl table cloth (Just in case we had any nail polish spills). Then I added a 2- tier serving platter with various colors of nail polish. The girls were able to soak their hands, then take the Satin Hands set and scrub and soften their hands. Then they could pick any color they wanted and paint their nails. I saw a DIY Shellac Manicure idea on Pinterest that we tried.
For pedicures I set up 5 foot baths in the living room. The girls could soak their feet in warm water. They even had foot fizzies to put in their foot baths. Next they could scrub & rinse their feet. Then after using some foot lotion to soften their feet they were able to pick a nail polish and paint away!
Here is a video Brianna Logan took at our party. She is one of our college girls. You can check out her blog here.
My Mary Kay Consultant generously supplied us with everything we needed for facials! So blessed that she helped me out! They only thing I added was another Pinterest idea. I took wet washcloths and placed them in a small crockpot. So the girls had a nice steamy washcloth to wash their faces with. Then they could go back and sit down at the table and apply their makeup.
Below is another video from Brianna!
Homemade Bath Salts
This was one of my favorite things and it is oh so simple! We added bath scents (from the soap and candle section at Hob the Lob) to epsom salt (I found a big bag at Wally World). I had mini 4oz jelly jars that the girls used to mix up their bath salts and take them home. I picked up red raffia and cute white tags so the girls could label their bath salts.
I asked several ladies to help me provide snacks. This helped me greatly. The only thing I had to plan was drinks. I made pink lemonade and spa water. Spa water was another Pinterest find. I simply thinly sliced two lemons and a cucumber and added them to a drink dispenser filled with water. I wasn't sure how the spa water would taste, but I was willing to try it. I was pleasantly surprised by how refreshing the water tasted. I wholeheartedly suggest you add this to your spa party!
Going Deeper
I didn't want the girls to go away from the night and miss out on an opportunity to consider their internal beauty. One way I did this was by posting scripture at each station. Each scripture gave them an opportunity to consider a truth regarding their hands (Psalm 24:2), feet (Romans 10:15, and face (Psalm 27:8). I also pulled the girls together at the end of the night and broke down 1 Peter 3:3-4 with them. I reminded them that their physical beauty is fleeting (Prov 31:30) and that a gentle spirit is one who is bowed down to the King (Psalm 45:11). If you plan your own Spa Night I encourage you to go deeper!
Making the Budget Work
You might be wondering, how I was able to do all of this. Well I have learned to ask, borrow, and be grateful for any help I could get. Like I mentioned, my Mark Kay Consultant Vicky Sharrar donated everything for us to do facials. She also donated a Satin Hands set for manicures. I was able to borrow five foot baths from friends at work. The foot baths really made the pedicures fun and relaxing. If you host a Spa Night I suggest you use them! I also borrowed almost all the nail polish from friends. When it came to food, I had various girls bring snacks. I also asked my host home to supply a snack along with some other ladies who helped me host the event. I was only able to make Girls Night Out a success because I had help from my friends and family! A special thanks to everything who contributed to Spa Night!
I encourage you to consider hosting a Spa Night of your own! It is a great way to relax and build community among a group of girls. And it is so much fun to let down your hair and just be girls.

What an awesome spa night! You did a great job putting it together--looks like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThank you Trina! It truly was a blast!